The Best of the Encyclopedia of Pulp Heroes: Le Droit Conners

ledroitconnersConners, Le Droit. Le Droit Conners was created by Samuel M. Gardenhire and appeared in eight stories in The Saturday Evening Post in 1905, possibly beginning with “The Park Slope Mystery” (The Saturday Evening Post, July 22, 1905); the stories were collected in The Long Arm (1906). Le Droit Conners is a Superhuman Great Detective modeled on Sherlock Holmes. Conners is consulting detective of the upper classes who works from a spacious studio in a skyscraper on Staten Island in New York City. He is handsome, with piercing black eyes, and is a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, especially of the Chevalier Dupin, although in most ways Conners is Holmesian, down to being saddled with a dim Watson figure. Conners is a “supersensitive” who forms his conclusions first, based on his intuition, and then works backwards to discover the evidence to confirm his conclusions. Conners’ mental powers are implied to come from his Native American mother, who gave birth to him while being partially eaten alive by wolves.

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