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Prentice, Dal. Dal Prentice was created by Roger Torrey (Bryant, Johnny Carr, Johnny Cass, Shean Connell, Sam Drake, Mickey Hanigan, George KilleenPat McCarthy, Mike O’Dell, John Ryan) and appeared in twelve stories in Black Mask from 1933 to 1935, beginning with “Police Business” (Black Mask, Jan. 1933).

Dal Prentice is a hard-boiled, two-fisted policeman in the Magna City Police Department, Homicide. He’s brutal and sullen and is willing to use any amount of force to get a criminal to confess: “If he’d keep from passing out…I know damn’ well he’d talk” and “He’ll talk or he’ll never talk to anyone else.” Prentice reports to Captain Hallahan, who encourages Prentice’s viciousness.

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