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Enright, Overton. Overton Enright was created by “Tod Robbins,” the pseudonym of Clarence Robbins, and appeared in the story serial “Safe and Sane” (All-Story, Oct. 26-Nov. 9, 1918).

Young literary critic Overton Enright has been given a letter of introduction to a millionaire, Abbotsfield, who is known as a patron of the arts and of promising young people. But when Enright meets Abbotsfield, he takes Enright to a room beneath the Central Park Zoo. The United Millionaires of America are meeting to discuss their biggest problem: the constant calumny they suffer from writers, musicians, and artists. The millionaires have had enough and decide to strike back by assassinating every man of genius in New York City. Enright is trying to escape notice when he sees his Uncle Spike stand up and name Enright as his persecutor. Spike then sees Enright and tries to stab him. Enright flees and the United Millionaires chase after him. Enright hides with a group of geniuses, artists, and inventors, but the house they are hiding in quickly comes under siege. The house, owned by the brilliant inventor Izota, is a balloon, and takes off, but Enright falls from it.

Then he wakes up, for It Was All A Dream.

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