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Crerar, Sheila. Sheila Crerar was created by Ella Scrymsour and appeared in six stories in The Blue Magazine in 1920, beginning with “The Eyes of Doom” (The Blue Magazine, May 1920). Crerar is the first modern female Occult Detective.

Sheila Crerar is a Superhuman Occult Detective. She is Scottish. She was orphaned when young and was raised by an uncle who idolized her and who she thought was the definition of the Highland chief and gentleman. Then he died, leaving her penniless. But she is psychic and sees ghosts, and one of them coaches her to put her gifts to use in helping others, which she does, advertising and getting responses. She uses her psychic visions to lay ghosts, dispel weirds, and undo family curses in Edinburgh and the Highlands, charging for the service. She begins as young, sad, lonely twenty three-year-old ingénue, but as time passes she gains courage and experience. She is often attacked and is variously blinded and covered in slime, but the effects are temporary. After five years she pays off all of the family debts and then marries, but she does not retire.

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