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Ases. The Ases were created by the German author Edmund Kiss and appeared in Das Glaeserne Meer (1930), Fruehling in Atlantis (1933), Die Letzte Koenigin von Atlantis (1935), and Die Singschwaene aus Thule (1939).

Kiss’ tetralogy is one of the foremost examples of pro-fascist science fiction written under Nazi rule. The Ases are Aryans, who as Stone Age-level beings maintain a stable world order through taking slaves and kidnaping women. But the “tertiary moon” collides with the earth and destroys civilization, forcing the Ases to rebuild their kingdom, whose new capital is Atlantis. They enslave the “slant-eyed brown-skins,” who revere the Ases as “white gods.” But eventually a new moon (the current one) appears, destroying Atlantis and forcing the Ases to begin again.

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