Creator List

Adams, Pag. Cosmo Cat.

Alascia, Vince. American Avenger, Blue Blade.

Alderman, Jack. Captain Wizard (II), Fourth Musketeer, Roko the Amazing, Captain Strong.

Alfred, Newt. Invisible Man, Master Man, Mr. Clue, Zara, 3Xs.

Allison, W.M. Blue Circle, Captain Jim of the Texas Rangers, Matt Crawford, Egan of the Homicide Squad, Grey Comet, Tommy Paige, Buck Stacey.

Altman, Gerald. Buck Farrel, Art Fenton.

Ames, Lee. Chessmen, Dusty Rhodes.

Anders, Al. Masked Raider, Mister Midnite.

Anderson, Bob. Steel Shark (II).

Anderson, Harry. Bob Allen, Black Commander, Buckskin (I), Johnny Mason, Nyoka, Red Gaucho, Steel Shark.

Anderson, Lyman. Jack Andrews, Jack Woods.

Andriola, Alfred. Captain Triumph.

Antonette, Larry. Kenny Carr, Jack Dale, Duke Kelly, Monako, John Steele, Sub-Zero Man.

Appel, George. Black Raiders, Human Meteor, Tommy Tomahawk, X the Phantom Fed.

Archibald, Joe. Hap Hazard.

Aschmeier, Stan. Captain Cook, Ted Dolliver and Alan Kane, Doctor Mid-Nite, Johnny Thunder (I), Space Speedsters, The Voice (I).

Ashe, Edd. Bomber Burns, Devils of the Deep, Dash Dillon, Green Falcon, Midshipman, Mister Satan, Roy the Super-Boy, The Saint (I), Tex Trainor, Wizard.

Astarita, Rafael. Captain Venture, Hooks Devlin.

Avison, Al. All-Winners Squad, Defender (II), Father Time, Red Blazer, Rusty (II), Whizzer.

Bachle, Leo. Terry Temple.

Bagnoli, Enrico. Jan of the Jungle.

Bailey, Mart. The Face, Johnny Devildog, Spy-Master.

Baily, Bernard. Buccaneer, Captain Combat, Bob Daley, Hourman, Miss X, Spectre, Tex Thomson.

Baker, Matt. Ace of the Newsreels, Gingham Fury, Kid Kane, Rulah, South Sea Girl, Voodah.

Bald, Ken. Namora, Sun Girl.

Baldwin, Robert. Zar.

Balter, E. Texas Ranger.

Bard, Phil. Crime Crusaders Club.

Bare, Al. Boy Champions.

Barreaux, Adolphe. Bobby and Binks, The Champ, Jack Dewey, Dash Dolan, Patty O’Day.

Barry, Dan. Boy King, Ghanga, Nightmare, Sleepy, Tommy Tyme.

Battefield, Ken. Blue Circle, Companions Three, Tim Dawson, Devil’s Dagger, Tex Farrell, Mustang Jack, Silver Knight, Snapper Swift, Zudo

Beck, C.C. Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Delecta, Ibis the Invincible, Lieutenants Marvel, Radar, Spy Smasher. .

Becker, Mike. The Sheriff.

Belfi, John. Detecto.

Bellem, Robert Leslie. Dash Dolan.

Bellman, Al. Mike Trapp.

Berg, Dave. Buddy, Junior Judo.

Bester, Alfred. Genius Jones.

Biern, Harvey A. Penny Parker, Steve Stacey.

Binder, Jack. Breeze Barton, Beebo, Black Crusader, Black Owl, Don Blake, Boy Rangers (II), Caligari, Captain Battle, Chick Carter, Cloud Curtis, Daredevil, Destroyer, The Falcon (I), Fadeaway Farr, Flexo the Rubber Man, International Police, Jungle King, Junior Rangers, Pack Morgan, Pinky, Scott Rand, Red Rogers, Red Rover, Silver Ranger, Silver Streak.

Binder, Michael. Red Rover.

Binder, Otto Captain Wonder, Cloud Curtis, Jon Jarl, Mary Marvel, Merry the Girl of 1000 Gimmicks, Miss America (II), Phoenix Squadron, Pinky, Red Rover, Scott Rand, Satan, Tommy Tyme, Young Allies.

Biro, Charles. Airboy. Boy King, Sergeant Boyle, Scoop Cody, Corporal Collins, Crimebuster, Inferno, Little Wise Guys, Steel Sterling, Swoop Storm, Rex Swift.

Bishop, Lowry. Blue Streak (I).

Blair, Joe. Captain Flag, Fox, Fran Frazer, Fu Chang, Hercules (II), Wings Johnson, Loop Logan, Mister Justice, Red Reagan, Jolly Roger, Shanghai Sheridan, Doc Strong, Ty-Gor, Zambini.

Blaisdell, Tex. Buckskin Belle, Manhunter (II).

Blakey, Gary. Spirit of ‘76.

Blane, Alan. Scoop Mason.

Bloom, Victor. Speed Martin.

Blum, Alex. Amazona, Captain Commando, Captain Fight (II), Nelson Cole, David, Jim Giant, Graves, Kaanga, Clue Kelly, Neon the Unknown, Purple Trio, Samson, Sky-Girl, Strange Twins.

Blum, Toni. Jeff Drake, Captain Flagg, Kid Patrol, Captain Kidd, Sally O’Neill, Prop Powers, Rookie Rankin, Red Bee, Wonder Boy (I), Yankee Doodle Boy, Zero Ghost Detective.

Blummer, Jon L. Captain X, Gary Concord, Fighting Yank (I), Hop Harrigan, Little Boy Blue, Sea Hound.

Bolle, Frank. Buckskin (II), Cobat, Vic Cutter, Bart Stewart.

Bolstein, Herman. Paul Bunyan, Planet Payson, Power Man.

Boltinoff, Henry. Young Doc Davis.

Boring, Wayne. Dr. Drew (I), Toni Gayle, Rick Richards.

Borth, Frank. Raven (II), Spider Widow, Ken Stuart.

Bossert, Bill. Captain Kidd.

Brant, Sam. Jimmy Blue.

Brennan, Alan. Nighthawk.

Brenner, George. Bozo the Iron Man, Eddie Brannigan, Clip Chance, The Clock, Destiny, Ghost of Flanders, Hawk, Just ‘n’ Right, 711.

Brice, Robert. Blackout (II).

Briefer, Dick. Flint Baker, Biff Bannon, Black Bull, Bronze Terror, Rex Dexter, Frankenstein, Human Top, Keri Krane, Yankee Longago.

Broder, Steve. Kinks Mason.

Brodsky, Sol. Red Cross.

Brousek, George. Dan Dix.

Browne, Ken. Hy Hardy.

Browner, Herman C. Argus, Inc., Counter Spy, Detecto the Bloodhound, Ted Hart, Click Hunt.

Bryant, Al. Steele Kerrigan.

Bugg, Robert. Bill Baker, Bob and Bill.

Bulthuis, John. Gypsy Johnson.

Buresch, Joseph. Buck Bush, Pat O’Day.

Burgos, Carl. Air-Sub ‘DX’, Human Torch, Iron Skull, Thunderer, Toro, White Streak.

Burley, Ray. Buzz Allen, Gale Allen, Cap’n Jerry, Mister Million, Phantom Falcons (I).

Burnley, Jack. Starman.

Burnley, Ray. Starman.

Burlockoff, Sam. Mister Q (II).

Burstein, Martin A. Mercury (I).

Burtt, Robert M. Captain Midnight.

Butler, R.C. Phantom Falcon (I).

Butts, Bob. The Count, Steve Raymond.

Butts, Ralph. Bullet.

Bydem, Bill, Margo the Magician.

Cagno, Joe Cal. Zephyr Jones, Mister E (I).

Caleb, Dan. Spence Stark.

Callender, R.S. Phantasmo.

Cameron, Don. Liberty Belle, Pow-Wow Smith, Stuff the Chinatown Kid, Les Watts.

Campbell, Cliff. Black Hood.

Campbell, Harry Francis. Ace of Space, Archie Atkins, Captain Bruce Blackburn, Lucky Byrd, Crusader, Dash Dartwell, Dean Denton, Doctor Synthe, King of Darkness, John Law, Jon Linton, Mosquito, Private Parker, Scarlet Seal, Spade of the Secret Service, Wizard Wells.

Campbell, Joe. Red Dolan.

Camy, Al. Airboy, Black Hood, Black Jack, Jimmy Cole, Crime Crushers, Grim Reaper, Hurry-Up Harrigan, Kara, Spectro, Supersleuths, Jill Trent.

Cardwell, H. Doctor Dekkar, Secret Agent M-11.

Cardy, Nick. Captain Flagg, Don Glory, Don Granval, Jane Martin, Frosty North, Senorita Rio.

Carlson, Ralph. Rush Newton.

Carnahan, Worth. Leatherneck, Raja Bill.

Carreno, Al. Dusty Ballew, Bulletgirl, Professor Lane, Mister E (I), Spike Stevens.

Cassidy, Paul. Robotman.

Cassone, John. Black Angel, Sky Wolf, Twilight, Web.

Cavallo, John. Terry Moore (I), Phantom Falcon (II).

Cazeneuve, Arturo. Block Buster Barton, El Capitan, Captain Freedom, Flame Girl, Green Mask (II), U.S. Jones, Young Defenders, Zebra.

Cazeneuve, Louis. Amazing Boy, Banshee, Boy Heroes, Dart, Doctor Miracle, U.S. Jones, Joan Mason, Phantom Sphinx, Queen of Evil, Red Raven, Robin Hood.

Celardo, John. Paul Bunyan, Captain Stand-In, Power Man, Billy West, Wonder Boy (I).

Certa, Joe. Durango Kid.

Chambers, Ellis. Superdog.

Chambers, Jim. Bert Arnold, Tom Brent (II), Crimson Avengers, Tracy Dixon, Ghost (III), Tod Hunter, Masked Ranger, Mister Midnite, Royal Watch, Voice (II), Wing.

Chapian, Greg. Captain Gallant (II), Golden Knight, Jupiter.

Charteris, Leslie. The Saint (I).

Christman, Bert. Sandman, Three Aces (I).

Chrysler, B. Graves.

Chu Hing. Burma Boy, Green Turtle, Will o’the Wisp.

Claudy, Carl. Ted Dolliver and Alan Kane.

Citron, Sam. Mr. District Attorney.

Cohen, Milt. Hell’s Angels.

Cole, Jack. Barker, Claw, The Comet, Stoney Dawson, Dickie Dean, Death Patrol, Thelma Gordon, Little Dynamite (I), Midnight, Pirate Prince, Plastic Man, Spudo.

Cole, L.B. Black Cobra, Boomerang, Cobra Kid, Gunmaster, Northwest Mounties, Red Fox.

Cole, Royce. Rush Newton.

Colebrook, Dennis. Spencer Steel.

Coll, Charles. Mister Twilight, Shadow Jr..

Compton, John. Thunderer.

Connor, Bill. Gabby Scoops.

Conrad, Reade. Spike Mason.

Cooper, Paul. Spitfire Sanders, Tenderfoot.

Cooper, Sam. Cavalier, Mister Justice, Phantom Reporter, Doc Strong.

Cooper, Tom. Captain Grim, Bill Horton.

Costanza, Pete. Golden Arrow.

Craig, Johnny. Buckskin Kid, Captain Crime.

Crandall, Reed. Firebrand (I), Tom Lance.

Cronin, Ed. Marksman (II), Marty McCann, Jim Swift.

Crossen, Ken. Atoman, Green Lama, Magga the Magnificent.

Cuidera, Chuck. Blackhawk.

Da Voren, Earl. Peewee Wilson.

Dahlman, Steve. Dynaman, Electro (I), Larry Kane, Barry Lane, Randall Ross.

Daly, John. Sergeant Flagg, Johnny Everyman, Martin of the Marines, Masked Rider, Rio Kid.

Danberg, Norman. Rang-a-Tang.

Daniels, Norman. Dave Dean.

David, H. Matt Crawford.

Davis, Bob. Blazing Skull, Red Reed, Wonder Boy (II).

Dawson, Dick. Secret Agent X-101.

DeConn, Don. Tom Sherrill.

Del Bourgo, Maurice. Mister Wu.

DeLay, Harold. Edison Bell, Dick Dash, Jun-Gal, Mad Ming, Maureen Marine, Microman, Red Reeves, Sub-Earth Man.

Dell, James. Air Rover.

Demby, Emmanuel. Ghost Patrol.

Dinchuk, Tom. Masked Ace.

DiPreta, Tony. Barnstormer Barnes.

Donohue, Joe. Detective Sergeant Carey.

Donovan, Hobart. Ghanga,

Doolin, Joe.  Mysta, Rangers of Freedom (I), Sea Devil.

Douglas, Harry. Billy Hill, Stuporman.

Douglas, Stephen A. Flint Man, Rainbow Boy.

Dowling, Victor J. Clem Bowers, Brailey of the Tropics.

Dowst, Loring. Jimmy Stone.

Drake, Stan. Tim Blain, Gary Ross, Ken Traymore.

Draut, Bill. Calamity Jane, Red Demon.

Du Bois, Gaylord. Cyclone (III).

Duca, Alfred. Zoro.

Duncan, Greg. Dan Dare, Scoop Smith.

Dunn, Ed. Presto Pete.

Dworkins, Leonard. Cosmo Mann.

Edwards, Ellis. Red Avenger.

Edwards, Joe. Bumbie the Bee-tective.

Eisner, Will. Black Condor, Black X, Blackhawk, Blue Beetle, Shark Brodie, Brothers 3, Buddy, D-13, David, Tex Dawson, Doll Girl, Doll Man, Hammer Donovan, Flame (I), K-5, K-51, Kayo Kirby, Wild Tex Martin, Phantom Ranger (I), The Ray, Samson, Sapphire Eye of Sekhmet, Sheena, Spirit, Spy Fighter, Uncle Sam, Wonder Man (I), X-5, Yarko the Great, ZX-5.

Elgin, Jill. Girl Commandos.

Elias, Lee. Firehair.

Elgin, Jill. War Nurse.

Elkan, Max. Buffalo Belle, Cross-Draw Kid, Great Defender, Rangers of Freedom (II).

Ellerbrock, G. Martan the Marvel Man, Vana.

Elliot, Bruce. Black Crusader, Rick Masters (II), Parson Pete, Ragman, Tiny.

Ellis, Bart. Steve Battle.

Ellis, Edward. Red Avenger.

Ellsworth, Whitney. Congo Bill.

Elven, Sven. Cosmo the Phantom of Disguise, El Carim, Jungle Twins.

Ely, Will. Hurricane Kids, Johnnie Law, Nadir, Spark O’Leary, Scoop Scanlon (I), Larry Steele.

Erisman, Robert O. Phantom Reporter, 3Xs.

Ernst, Ken. Gabby Flynn, Tom Kerry, Magic Morro, Rick Masters (I), Sapphire Eye of Sekhmet.

Evans, George J. Jr. Lion Man,

Everett, Bill. Amazing Man, Bull’s-Eye Bill, Conqueror, Dirk the Demon, Fin, Hydroman, Music Master, Bobby O’Neill, Rainbow Boy, Red Reed, Skyrocket Steele, Sub-Mariner.

Evers, Grant. Lucky Lane.

Ewing, John. Kane and Abel.

Fagaly, Al. Mark Murdock.

Fallon, Norman. Sky Wizard.

Fanshawe, Dan. Rocke Wayburn.

Farr, Jack. Cabbie Casey, Circle J, Pete Rice, Yank Wilson.

Farrell, Robert. Rock Raymond, U.S. Jones.

Fawcette, Gene. Tara.

Feller, Lucy. Defenders.

Ferstadt, Louis. Bouncer, Jackie Law, Casey McKann, Yellowjacket Jr..

Field, Lochland. Forsyth & McLean, Inner Circle.

Filchock, Martin. Rip Burns, Buzzard, Bob Colby, Electric Ray, Fire-Man, Mighty Man, Red Blaze, Copper Slugg, Speck Smith, Super Ann (I).

Fine, Lou. Black Condor, Flame (I), Ken Hammond, Hack O’Hara, The Ray.

Finger, Bill. All-Winners Squad, Batman, Clip Carson, Green Lantern, Little Boy Blue, Robin, Wildcat.

Finlay, Virgil. Tommy Tomorrow.

Fisher, Gordon. Deep-Sea Dawson (I).

Fitch, Ken. Bob Daley, Don Drake, Hourman, Miss X, Scoop Scanlon (II), Tex Thompson, 2023: Super Police.

Flanders, Charles. Sandra of the Secret Service.

Fleming, Homer. Chuck Dawson, Buck Marshall, Nightshade, Sandor.

Flessel, Creig. Bradley Boys, Buzz Brown, Cutter Carson, Steve Conrad, Jungle Fever, Pep Morgan, Red Coat Patrol, Speed Saunders, Shining Knight.

Fletcher, Dick. Greg Gilday.

Flinton, Ben. Atom, Flying Flame, The Hand, Phantom Sub.

Formes, Carl. Captain Battle, Larry Dean, El Carim, Silver Ranger.

Forre, Ed. Top Bowers.

Forte, John. Victory Boys.

Foster, Fred. Kid Crash.

Foster, Jay. V-Man.

Fox, Craig. Gil Galen.

Fox, Gardner. Cotton Carver, Chessmen, Cliff Cornwall, Doctor Fate, Durango Kid, The Flash, Gay Ghost, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Igor the Archer, Justice Society of America, Tom Kerry, King (I), Inspector Fox, Madelon, Steve Malone, Van Manhattan, Moon Girl, Rocky Ryan, Sandman, Skyman, Spy-Master, Starman, Undercover Girl, White Indian.

Fox, Gill. Granny Gumshoe, Detective Schultz, Wun Cloo.

Frank, Leonard. Jack and Jill, Spy Fighter.

Franklin, Art. Inspector Bancroft.

Frazetta, Frank. Mister Lucifer, Snowman, White Indian.

Frehm, Walter. Domino, Green Mask (I), Texas Tyler.

Frisch, Irving. Bob Horne.

Froehlich, August. Beebo, Ghost (I), Simba, Special Agent No. 1, Thunderhoof, Race Wilkins.

Frohman, Burt. Chessmen.

Frollo, Frank. Blue Lady, Grit Grady, Lightning, Lucifer the White Devil, Richard Manners, Jerry O’Keefe, Secret Agent RS-II, Lee Trent.

Fujitani, Bob. Captain Truth, Flying Dutchman.

Fuller, Harvey. Homer K. Beagle.

Fuller, R.C. Duke Collins.

Gabel, Zac. Grey Mask.

Gabriele, Al. Black Cat, Black Marvel, Father Time, Fighting Fool, Kid Columbus, Mantor, Miss America (II), Monstro the Mighty, Reef Ryan, Star Pirate, Whizzer.

Gabrielson, Dave. Black Terror, Tim.

Gahr, J. Pioneer (I).

Gaines, Evelyn. Hal Mason, Jack Raymond.

Gamble, Merna. Scoop Langdon.

Gardner, Walker. Air Rover, Rick Masters (II).

Garrison, Frank. Mark Mallory.

Gary, James. Ed Tracer.

Gates, Art. Ned of the Navy.

Gattuso, Paul. Gay Desperado, Solid Jackson, Torpedoman.

Geller, Burton. Freddy Firefly.

Gelman, Woody. Kid from Brooklyn.

Gershwin, Emil. Eagle, Marga, Private Parker, Red Seal.

Giacoia, Frank. Tony Barrett, Captain Wonder, Kit Colby, Sierra Smith.

Gibson, Walter. Blackstone, Boy Rangers (II), Red Rogers, Shadow.

Giella, Joe. Black Canary.

Gilkison, Terry. Flying Fox, Corporal Merrill.

Gilman, Sam. Dan Dennis, Rip sawyer.

Gill, Ray. Angel, Page Parks, Patriot, Red Seal, Twister, Terry Vance.

Gill, Tom. Candid Charlie.

Gilman, Sam. Vapo-Man.

Giunta, John. Duke of Darkness, Flamingo, Foley of the Fighting Fifth, Mad Hatter, Magician From Bagdad, Magician From Mars, Mister Lucifer, Mr. Nobody, Terry Moore (I), Snowman, Tracker.

Glanzman, Louis. Blue Fire, Shark.

Glanzman, Sam. Fly-Man, Spirit of Bunk Hill.

Gleason, Lev. Captain Battle Jr..

Gold, Horace L. Lieutenant Hercules.

Golden, Louis. Eternal Brain.

Good, Edmund. Dagar, Breeze Lawson, Magnet, Strut Simmons, Texas Tim, Tomahawk, Vic Vanning.

Gordon, Dan. Superkatt.

Gormley, Dan. Happy Chandler, Jungle Prince, Night Bird, Tumbler.

Grandenetti, Jerry. Dr. Drew (II).

Grady, Jim. Mickey Magic.

Green, Hamilton. Viking Carter.

Green, Joe. Captain Battle Jr..

Greene, Joseph. Boy Champions, Kid Wizards, Swiftarrow, Tygra.

Greene, Sid. Fangs the Wolf Boy.

Greene, Vernon. Shadow.

Greenwood, R. Spark Man.

Gregg, George. Lancer.

Gretter, Clemens. Arizona the Flying Cowboy, Don Drake, Dan Hastins, Ray and Gail, Mark Swift, 2023: Super Police.

Grogan, Jack. Kid Terrific,

Goggin, Ed. Stupidman.

Grossman, Rube. Sheriff Corky.

Grothkopf, Chad. Cliff Crosby, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, Imp, Johnny Quick, Sandy the Golden Boy, Sherlock the Monk.

Gruskin, Ed. Beebo, Supersnipe.

Guardineer, Fred. Blue Tracer, Trail Colt, Dave Dean, Dragon, Fallon of the F.B.I., Great Voodini, Don Kerry, Marvelo, Moon-Man, Mouthpiece, Rackman, Space Ace, Swordfish, Tor, Zatara.

Gustavson, Nils. Man of War.

Gustavson, Paul. Angel, Arizona Ames, Arrow, Black Panther, Bombardiers, Crane of Scotland Yard, Fantom of the Fair, Flash Fulton, Human Bomb, Jester, Magno (II), Man of War, Miraco, Runaway Ronson, Rusty Ryan, Sand Hog, Spider, Super Slave, Sandy Thorne, Hustace Throckmorton, Twister.

Gutwirth, Maurice. Archie the Gruesome, Bentley of Scotland Yard, Falcon (II), Four Comrades, Laughing Mask, Terry O’Brien, Phantom of the Underworld, Purple Mask, Jack Strand (II), USA.

Hall, Barbara. Blonde Bomber.

Hamel, Frank San. Dick Star.

Hamilton, Ed. Bantam Buckaroo.

Hammell, Will. Larry Broderick.

Hampton, John. Arizona the Flying Cowboy, Cyclone (III), Doctor Voodoo, Lance Hale,

Haney, Arnold. Perisphere Payne.

Hankman, Walt. Mike Moran.

Hanks, Fletcher. Whirlwind Carter, Fantomah, Tiger Hart, Ted Kane, Big Red McLane, Space Smith, Stardust, Tabu.

Harford, Ray. Avenger.

Harr, Will. Flexo the Rubber Man, Laughing Mask, Midshipman, Purple Mask, Rang-a-Tang, Wizard.

Harrison, George. Cadet.

Harry, Frank. Ghost Patrol.

Hart, Ernie. Atomictot, K-9, Nero Owl, Victory Boys.

Hartje, Albert. Hurricane Kids.

Harvey, Alfred. Black Cat.

Hasen, Irwin. Tony Barrett, Cat-Man, The Ferret (I), Fox, Don Manley, Wildcat.

Hastings, Howard. Captain Dale.

Hayes, Dick. Slim Bradley.

Heath, Russ. Rex Hart, Hammerhead Hawley, Nimo.

Hebberd, Bob. Harbor Patrol, Old Witch, Drew Murdoch.

Henderson, Russell. K-9-V.

Henkel, Vernon. Abdul the Arab, Casey, Dusty Dane, Don Q, Captain Fortune, Gallant Knight, Ace High (II), Comet Kelly, Masquerader, Mr. In-Between, Radio Detective, Sniper, Space Legion, Sword (I), Wings Wendall, Whistler, X of the Underground.

Henry, Melville. Roko the Amazing.

Herron, Ed. Pack Morgan, Rainbow.

Herron, France. Captain Marvel Jr., Mister Scarlet.

Hersch, Russ. Bob Neal.

Hess, Erwin L. Danny Dash.

Hibbard, Everett E. Justice Society of America, Phantom Detective.

Hickey, Tom. Golden Dragon, Mark Marson, Bruce Nelson, Raja Bill, Skip Schuyler, Sky Hawk (I)

Hicks, Arnold. Hercules (I), Trojak.

Higgins, Dave. Super Duck.

Hill, Sam. Cosmo Mann.

Hirsh, Bob. Bob Neal.

Hobart, Donald Bayne. Herbie Johnson.

Hoffman, Arthur. Steve Ransom, Jeb Tinker.

Hollingsworth, A.C. Bronze Man.

Holmdale, Red. Zoom O’Day, Don Rance.

Hornig, Charles. Buzz Allen, Hip Knox, Marvo 1.2 Go+, Mitey Powers.

Houlihan, Ray. Steve Crawford, Scotty of the Skyways.

Hubbell, Carl. Pepper Casey, Private O’Hara.

Hudson, Bill. Funny Fez.

Hughes, Harold. King (II), King of the South Seas.

Hughes, Richard E. American Eagle, Black Terror, Bantam Buckaroo, Buffalo Belle, Commando Cubs, Crime Crushers, Eaglet, Mike Ellis, Fighting Yank (I), The Ghost (I), Injun Jones, Jonathan Kent, Mickey Martin, Nickie Norton, Doc Strange, Supersleuths, Tenderfoot, Texas Tim, Three Comrades, Thunderhoof, Tim.

Huston, Al. Matty Case.

Hyatt, Robert M. Jimmy Christian, Dick Mace, Perry Scott.

Iger, Jerry. Doll Man.

Iger, S.M. Captain Commando, Firebrand (I), Kangaroo Man, Neon the Unknown, Purple Trio, Robin Hood, Sheena, Strange Twins, Tom Taylor.

Infantino, Carmine. Black Canary, Kit Colby, Golden Eagle, Hell’s Angels, Pow-Wow Smith.

Ingels, Graham. Gunfighter, Gunsmoke, Masked Marvel (II).

Isaacs, Leo. Silver Knight.

Isip, Pagsilang Rey. Wings Bordon, Calhoun of the Air Cadets, Glory Forbes, Rex the Seeing Eye Dog, Shangra.

Jackson, Jay. Blond Garth.

Jackson, Ken. Red Comet.

Jaediker, Kermit. Black Commander, Vic Jordan, Tex Trainor.

James, Gilbert. Mach Duff.

Jenney, Bob. Anzac Hawks, Guy Falcon, Gary Hawkes, Masked Pilot, Tigers with Wings.

Jepson, Paul H. Rod Rian.

Johnson, Ryerson. Wyoming Kid.

Johnson, Walter. Treasure Keeper.

Jordan, John. Secret Agent 2B-3, Professor X.

Junb, John. Challenger.

Jussen, Steve. Tom Dawson, Zardi.

Kale, George. Black Sheep Squadron.

Kamen, Jack. Rip Carson, The Saint (I), Tangi.

Kane, Bob. Batman, Clip Carson, Robin, Rusty and His Pals, Spark Stevens.

Kane, Gil. Golden Eagle.

Kanigher, Robert. Black Canary, Bouncer, Johnny Thunder (II), Lady Danger, Streak the Wonder Dog.

Kapitan, George. Air Man, Black Widow (I), Green Giant, Private Parker.

Karle, John. Professor X.

Kashuba, Maurice. Supermind’s Son.

Kaufmann, Stanley. Jimmy Cole.

Kay, V.J.  Inspector Blake.

Kaye, Stan. Genius Jones.

Keeler, Jack. Junior Genius.

Kessler, Saul. Blackie Bear,

Kent, William. Martan the Marvel Man, Vana.

Kida, Fred. Airmaidens, Challenger (II), Iron Ace, Phantom Clipper, Valkyrie.

Kiefer, Henry C. Arabian Knight, Blaze Barton, Wing Brady, Cyclone (I), Spurt Hammond, Dr. Hartmann, Jim Lane, Liberty Lads (I-II), Mister Ree, Doctor Nerod, Oracle, Q-Boat, Rock Raymond, Red Torpedo, Sub Saunders, Steel Fist.

Kildale, Malcolm. Auro, Buck Brady, Captain Fearless (I), Crash Davis, Fighting Hobo, Magician From Mars, Sergeant Spook, Speed Centaur, Spitfire (I), Torro.

King, Pat. Gilbert the Gentle Gorilla.

King, Warren. Conquerors, Miss Shady.

Kingett, Bob. Lance O’Casey.

Kinstler, Everett. Silver Knight.

Kirby, Jack. Boy Commandos, Bucky, Captain America, Captain Daring (I), Inspector Dayton, Duke of Broadway, Grant Frazier, Guardian, Hurricane, Kid Adonis, Marvel Boy (I), Mercury (I), Mister Scarlet, Newsboy Legion, Comet Pierce, Solar Legion, Stuntman, Stuart Taylor, Link Thorne, Tuk, Vagabond Prince, Vision, Wilton of the West, Wing-Ding.

Kirk, Wallace. Egan of the Homicide Squad.

Klein, Bernard. Unknown (I), Whirlwind, Zaro, 13.

Klein, George. American Avenger, Red Hawk (I), Pow-Wow Smith, Terror.

Klein, Bernard. Jinx.

Koda, Alex. Fargo Kid.

Kolb, John F. Minimidget, Sparkler.

Kostuk, Alexander. Mike Ellis, Nickie Norton, Doc Strange.

Kotzky, Alex. Biff the Clown, Manhunter (II).

Kraus, Dick. Buck Desmond.

Kregman, Berris. Lucky Lucifer.

Kressy, Ed. K-7, Scorpion, Sky Wizard.

Krigstein, Bernard. Minstrel Maverick.

Kubert, Joe. Alabam, Foley of the Fighting Fifth, Scarlet Phantom, Volton (II).

Lampert, Harry. Flash, Spot Savage.

Lane, Jack. Jaguar, Jaguar Man.

Lanford, Russ. Merzah the Mystic.

La Ray, C. Harrington. Mr. Nobody.

Lariar, Lawrence. Barry O’Neill.

Larsen, Howard. Jack Armstrong, Bronco Shot, Vic Hardy, Malu, Phantom Falcon (III).

Lauretta, Paul J. American Ace, Rocky Baird, King Carter, Lieutenant Lank.

Lawrence, Mort. Kid Wizards, Magga the Magnificent.

Leav, Mort. Heap, Secret Circle, Skywolf.

LeBlanc, Andre. Buck Johnson (II), P.T. Boat.

Lee, Henry. Biff Baker.

Lee, Manning de Villeneuve. Scarlet Seal.

Lee, Stan. Blonde Phantom, Destroyer, Father Time, Fighting Fool, Headline Hunter, Imp, Jack Frost, Secret Stamp, Widjit the Witch, Witness.

Leff, Sam. Curly Kayoe.

Lehmann, Rusty. Bob Neal.

Lehti, Jack. Biff powers.

Leonard, J.C. Maginnis of the Mounties, 

Lev, Marv. District Attorney.

Levy, Harris. Air Wave.

Liederman, Al. Captain America.

Lincoln, Wright. Dynamite Thor.

Lindermayer, John. Denny Scott.

Lipowski, Ed. Rusty Dugan, Lance Rand, Skip Scott, Cap Stone, Captain Storms.

Loederer, Richard. Brad Hardy, Ur the Caveboy.

Lovy, Alex. Hope Hazard.

Lowry, Ray. Dan Williams.

Lubbers, Bob. Jack and Judy Alden, Star-Spangles Branner, Reef Kinkaid, Liberty Scouts, Monsieur L’Epee, Red Riley, Scarlet Ace, The Texan, U.S. Rangers.

Lucey, Harry. Fireball, Madam Satan.

Lynch, Don. Defense Patrol, Steve Malone.

Madden, Will. Rocketboy, Unholy Three.

Magarian, Albert and Florence. Jack of Spades.

Mandel, Alan. Boy King, Nightmare, Red Hawk (II), Sleepy, War Eagle.

Mandel, George. Ted Crane, Mister Risk, Patriot, Son of the Gods, Voodoo Man, Woman in Red, Young Robinhood.

Maneely, Joe. Django Jinks.

March, Lionel. Tulpa of Tsang.

Marcoux, George. Supersnipe.

Mark, Richard. Kid Wizards.

Markey, Alice. Bonnie O’Toole.

Marsicano, John. Scarlet Ace.

Marston, William. Wonder Woman.

Martin, Chester. Futura.

Martin, John. The Echo.

Martin, Phil. Swing Sisson.

Martin, Taylor. White Panther.

Martinek, Frank. Don Winslow.

Maxwell, Jerry. Wonder Boy (III).

Mayer, Sheldon. Red Tornado, Jimmy Stone, Terrific Whatzit, Mr. Weed.

Mayo, Ralph. Judy of the Jungle, Yankee Girl (II).

Mazoujian, Chuck. Sally O’Neil, Quicksilver.

McCaffery, Arthur. Peace Raider.

McWilliams, Alden. Destroyer 171, Rex King of the Deep, Spitfire (II), Stratosphere Jim and his Flying Fortress, Steve Wood.

Meditz, John. George Ferguson, Commander Neil Nelson.

Mellon, Raymond. Blond Garth.

Mercer, Marilyn. Dr. Drew (II).

Merkel, George. Master Mind.

Meskin, Mort. Captain Valor, Golden Lad, Billy Gunn, Moore of the Mounted, Seven Soldiers of Victory, Dick Storm, Stuff the Chinatown Kid, Vigilante.

Methot, Fred. Spark Man.

Millard, Joe. Barker, Penny Graves, Hoodoo Hannigan, Red Skye, Sierra Smith, Spudo, Two-Gun Lil.

Mills, Tarpe. Cat Man, Barry Finn, Jaxon, Mann of India, Miss Fury, Ted O’Neil, Purple Zombie.

Mirando, Michael. Voice (III).

Moe, Claire S. Dudley Dance, Dean Masters, Penny Wright.

Moldoff, Sheldon. Black Pirate, Cliff Cornwall, Igor the Archer, Kid Eternity, Moon Girl, Phantom Soldier, Tygra.

Moline, Ed. Kid Kopper.

Mooney, Jim. Blackie the Mystery Boy, Lynx, Moth, Wildfire.

Moore, Bob. Gordon Fife.

Moore, Ed. Adventure Incorporated, Ace Archer, Armstrong of the Army, Tom Campbell, Steve Carter, Roy Graham, Manhunter (I), Jack Wander.

Moore, Wilfred G. Captain Midnight.

Moreira, Reuben. Commando Ranger, King of the Congo, Buck Ranger, Rhoda Trail.

Morey, Leo. G-Man Dalton, Liberator.

Morgan, Fred. Airmale, Steve Battle, Flying Fist, Stampy.

Morisi, Pete. Sea Rover.

Moritz, Ed. Don Davis, Injun Jones.

Mortimer, Winslow. Merry the Girl of 1000 Gimmicks.

Nagle, George. Devils of the Deep.

Neill, Max. Ted Cameron, Ed Colton, Lobo.

Neville, Dennis. Black Fury (I), Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Jap-Buster Johnson, Undercover Man.

Newman, Geoff. Cotton Carver.

Newman, George. Inspector Kent.

Nicholas, Charles. Blonde Phantom, Blue Beetle, Defender (II), Headline Hunter, Jack Frost, Kid Patrol, Red Bee, Red Cross, Rusty (II), Spy-Catcher, Terror Squad, Tommy Tyme, Mister Wu, Young Allies.

Nitkin, Nathaniel. Bomber Burns, Undercover Man.

Nodell, Martin. Green Lantern, Raven (I), Buck Steele, Streak Sloan, Terrific Whatzit.

Nodell, Norman. Tulpa of Tsang.

Nordling, Klaus. Powder Burns, Lieutenant Drake, Lady Luck, Pen Miller, Thin Man, Three Aces (II), Strut Warren.

Norris, Paul. Aquaman, Doodle, Dyna-Mite, Vic Jordan, Jungle Jim, Power Nelson, Sandy the Golden Boy, TNT, Yank.

Norwood, Klaus. Captain Derek West.

Novick, Irv. Dusty, Fran Frazer, Wings Johnson, Penny Parker, Bob Phantom (II), Red Reagan, Scarlet Avenger, Shanghai Sheridan, The Shield.

Nowack, Leo. Robotman.

O’Connor, Bill. Atom, Flying Flame, The Hand, Phantom Sub.

O’Dowd, Karin. Phantom Knight.

Oksner, Bob. Crash Carter, Kid Click, Breezy Collins, Commando Cubs, Crash Kid, Mach Duff, Lady Danger, Jack Manning, Marvel Boy (II), Mekano, Gail Porter, Sandy of the Circus, Pepper Swift, Trouble-Shooter, Terry Vance, Wonderman.

O’Mealia, Leo. Inspector Donald, Bob Merritt.

Olson, J. Jeff Barter.

Overgard, William. Black Diamond, Bumper.

Paddock, Munson. Smoke Carter, Chen Chang, Casey Jones, Mars Mason, Monastery of the Blue God, Phantom Ranger (I), Buck Sanders.

Palais, Rudy. Duke Buckland, Captain Fight (I), Devildogs Three, Grimm, Johnny Rebel (II), Kayo Kane, Lucky Aces, Johnny Mace, Miss Espionage, Rangers of Freedom (II), Winged Warriors.

Papp, George. Blazing Scarab, Congo Bill, Green Arrow, King Anthony, Speedy.

Paris, Charles. Air Wave, Nighthawk.

Parker, Bill. Bulletman, Captain Marvel, Dan Dare, Golden Arrow, Ibis the Invincible, Jungle Twins, Lance O’Casey, Scoop Smith, Spy Smasher.

Parker, Paul. Scott Hunter, Kirk of Scotland Yard, Dick Powell, Roger Wright.

Parkhurst, Harry. Jungleman, Neptina.

Patenaude, Ramona. Chuck Benson, V-Man.

Paterson, John A. Grant Gordon, Rat Larson.

Patrick, Bill. Cal ‘n’ Alec, Monty of the Mounties.

Patterson, John. Skipper Hicks, Spurlock & Watkins.

Paul, Frank R. Mitey Powers.

Pazmino, Victor E. TNT Todd.

Pearson, Charles. Detective Degan, Barney Mullen.

Peddy, Arthur. Congo Lancers, Phantom Lady, Rookie Rankin, Red Panther, Captain Savage, Captain Thunder, Waco Kid.

Pedrocchi, Frederico. Rebo.

Perkins, Henry Avelyn. Shining Knight.

Peter, Harry G. Flint Man, Man O’Metal, Wonder Woman.

Peters, Daniel. Dynamic Man (I).

Peterson, Robert. Jungol.

Pfeufer, Carl. Gordon Fife, Subbie, Professor X.

Phillips, J.S. Witch.

Phillips, Jim. Black Witch.

Piazzo, Joseph. Sergeant Flagg.

Pierro, John. Mundoo.

Pinajian, Arthur. Thurston Hunt, Invisible Hood, Dick Kent, Madam Fatal, Phantom of the Hills, Red Man, Reynolds of the Mounted, Wasp (I).

Pious, Robert. Tamor.

Plaisted, Max. American Crusader, Ace Buckley, Major Mars, Mickey Martin, Larry North, Space Rovers.

Plastino, Al. Green Knight, Lance, Rainbow.

Platt, Gregory. Dash Darwin.

Platt, Kin. American Eagle, Captain Future, Eaglet, Sphinx, Supermouse, Widjit the Witch.

Po, Nam Chung. Shangra.

Porter, Homer. Detective Crane.

Porter, Paul. Johnny Fox.

Post, Howard Q. Max the Magician, Rodeo Rick.

Powell, Bob. Betty Bates, Blackhawk, D-13, Flyin’ Fool, Dr. Fung, Loops and Banks, Man in Black, Marskman (II), Colonel Tim McCoy, Doctor Neff, Ted Parrish, Lee Preston, Scarlet Arrow, Spin Shaw, Spirit of ‘76, Speed Taylor, Tom Taylor.

Pretsch, Frank. Li’l Professor.

Purcell, Howard. Gay Ghost, Lando, Mark Lansing, Van Manhattan, Johnny Peril, Sargon, Young Avenger (I).

Quackenbush, Bill. Valkyrie.

Quinlan, Charles. Crash Barker, Blaze Baylor, Captain Fearless (II), Dick Carter, Pat Corrigan, Corsair, Don Ramon, Doctor Mephisto, Hurricane Harrigan, King Vito, Kitten, Little Leaders, Miss Victory, Mister Mist, Mister Q (I), Mystery Rider, Parachute Patrol, Crash Parker, Rodeo Ryan, Sunset Smith, Sparky (II), Sunset Kid, Two-Gun Lil, Volton (I).

Quinn, Paul. Jack Dale, Microman, Steel Shark (II).

Raboy, Mac. Captain Marvel Jr., Green Lama.

Ravielli, Louis. Flame (II), Shaman.

Reinman, Paul. Boy Buddies.

Reit, Seymour. Zomba (II).

Reizenstein, Charles. Doctor Mid-Nite, Mister Terrific.

Remon, Jeff. Thun-Dohr.

Renault, Franchot. Diamond Jim.

Ricca, Gus. Black Dwarf, Dale of the F.B.I., Diamond Jack, Jim Dolan, Kitty Kelly (II), Ace Powers.

Rice, Pierce. Black Rider (I), Atom Blake, British Agent 99, Flame Girl, Gladiator, Joan Mason, Robin Hood, Satan, Spider Queen, Thor, Zebra, Zippo.

Rico, Don. Blast Bennett, Bingham Boys, Blackout (I), Captain Battle Jr., Flick Falcon, Fighting Fool, Gary Gaunt, Golden Archer, Grey Mask, Tex Hazard, Kid Terrific, Leatherface, Reckoner, Secret Stamp, Sorceress of Zoom.

Riley, Larry. Jack Rhodes.

Riss, Pete. Black Owl.

Robertson, Matt. Jane Drake.

Robbins, Eddie. Black Avenger, Craig Carter, Jimmy Jupiter, Red Rube.

Robinson, Jerry. London, Robin.

Roche, Ruth. Drew Murdoch.

Rogers, Boody. Sparky Watts.

Rosser, Milburn. Race Riley.

Roussos, George. Johnny Dale, Johnny Nebisco, Nightro, Stuff the Chinatown Kid, Swiftarrow.

Rosen, Saul. Al Addin, King Bill.

Roth, Ben, Al, Salo & Irving. Twist Turner.

Roth, Werner. Tex Taylor.

Rowland, William. Buck Brady, Page Parks.

Roy, Mike. Tigerman (I).

Ryan, Dick. Dale Daring.

Ryan, Jack. Lady Fairplay.

Saaf, Art. Fire Eater, Phantom Falcons (II), Princess Pantha.

Sagendorf, Bud. Little Hercules.

Sahle, Harry. Air Man, Bald Eagle, Black Window (I), Steve Case, Skip Flynn, Green Giant, Bert Lawson, Lightning Girl, Mister Q (II), Silver Scorpion.

Samachson, Joe. Mike Gibbs, Tomahawk.

Sansone, Leonard. Atom, Sergeant Bil King, Mystico, Tom Niles, Nails Norton, Phantom Sub, Wonder Man (II).

Santi, Ronald. Three Mouseketeers.

Savage, Bill. Kid Terrific, Wiggles the Wonderworm.

Savage, Brian. Wiggles the Wonderworm.

Savitt, Sam. Tex Rainger.

Schiff, Jack. Johnny Everyman, Tommy Tomorrow.

Schneider, Mark. Kon Fu.

Schomburg, Alex. Captain Daring (II).

Schroeder, Louis. Bob Scott.

Schrotter, Gus. Key, Werewolf Hunter, Kit West.

Schurmacher, Emile. Dusty Doyle, K-7, Scorpion, Sky Wizard.

Schwartz, Fred. Zephyr Jones.

Scolari, Giovanni. Rebo.

Scott, Maurice. Shock Gibson.

Segron, Lew. Lucky Lucifer.

Seidman, Abel. Marksman (I).

Sekowsky, Mike. Betty Lane, Terror Squad.

Sharp, Harold. Jim Landis, Lance Larkin, Lucky Lawton, Marvex the Super-Robot, Mister Terrific, Tarantula, Bill Wayne.

Shawn, Rich. Spitfire Sanders.

Sherman, Hal. Star-Spangled Kid, Stripesy, Three Comrades, Wyoming Kid.

Sherman, Howard. Doctor Fate, Three Comrades, Tommy Tomorrow.

Shores, Syd. All-Winners Squad, Black Rider (II), Blonde Phantom, Golden Girl (II), Major Liberty, Miss Patriot, Namora, Terror, Two-Gun Kid.

Shorten, Harry. Streak Chandler, Dusty, Firefly, Galahad, Green Falcon, Kalthar, Kardak, Bob Phantom (II), Roy the Super-boy, Scarlet Avenger, The Shield, St. Louis Kid, Dick Storm, The West Pointer.

Shuster, Joe. Slam Bradley, Doctor Mystic, Doctor Occult, Henri Duval, Federal Men, Funnyman, Sandy Kean, Bart Regan, Superboy, Superman.

Siegel, Jerry. Slam Bradley, Doctor Mystic, Doctor Occult, Henri Duval, Federal Men, Funnyman, Sandy Kean, Red, White and Blue, Bart Regan, Robotman, Spectre, Star-Spangled Kid, Stripesy, Superboy, Superman.

Simon, Joe. Blue Bolt, Boy Commandos, Bucky, Captain America, Captain Daring (I), Duke of Broadway, Fiery Mask, Grant Frazier, Guardian, Hurricane, Ken Keen, Kid Adonis, Marvel Boy (I), Newsboy Legion, Phantom Bullet, Red Raven, Solar Patrol, Stuntman, Link Thorne, Trojak, Tuk, Vagabond Prince, Vision, Wing-Ding.

Smalle, Ed, Jr. Cowboy Marshal, Jolly Roger, War Eagles.

Smalle, Jon. Bulletman, Fighting Parson, Great Voodini, Knight of the North, Pal Peyton.

Smith, William. King (I), Red, White and Blue.

Smithy, William A. Rance Keane.

Spain, Larry. Eric Vale.

Spivak, Laurence. Fury of the Foreign Legion.

Sprang, Dick. Power Nelson.

Stallman, Manny. Dennis Denton, Mr. And Mrs. Lane.

Stark, Jack. Buck Burke.

Starr, Leonard. Buckskin (II), Cobat, Vic Cutter, Bart Stewart, Toreador.

Steele, Noble. Bryan O’Flynn.

Steele, Richard. Doctor Frost.

Stein, Harry. Heap, Skywolf.

Stein, Marvin. Captain Valiant.

Steinman, Leonard. Owl Girl.

Stevens, Len. Dr. Watkins.

Stewart, John. Yankee Eagle.

Stolil, Milton. Smoke Burnam.

Stokes, Manning Lee. Captain Cutlass, Harbor Patrol, South Sea Girl.

Stone, Ralf. Sky Hawk (I).

Stoner, E.C. Breeze Barton, Flexo the Rubber Man, Night Devils, Phantasmo, Speed Saunders.

Storm, George. Hangman, Ty-Gor, Whip.

Strauss, Myron. Stars and Stripes.

Streeter, Lin. Captain Flag, Fu Chang, Galahad, Kalthar, Stacey Knight, Rocket, St. Louis Kid, Venus.

Striker, Fran. Green Hornet, Kato.

Sturgeon, Theodore. Iron Munro.

Sturm, Phil. Dale of the F.B.I., Major Liberty, Don Rance, Terror, Kayo Ward.

Styga, John. Marksman (I).

Suchorsky, Mike. Captain Terror, Hurricane Hansen, Shipwreck Roberts, Witness.

Sullivan, Vincent. Spike Spalding.

Sulman, Joseph. Biff Bronson, Socko Strong.

Sultan, Charles. Black Satan, Blackstone, Captain Courage, Captain Glory, Dandy, F-4, Firebrand (II-III), Yankee Doodle Jones, Jonathan Kent, Major Victory, Minute Man (I), Scarlet Sentry, Sky Chief, Tom, Dick and Harry, Two Gun Lil, X-5, Yankee Doodle Jones.

Sundell, Abner. Sergeant Boyle, Captain Valor, Corporal Collins, Madam Satan, Mister Satan, Steel Sterling.

Sutton, Wain. Dead End Kids.

Swayze, Marc. Mary Marvel.

Tahan, Omar. Kismet.

Taylor, Harry Weston. Ace of Space, King of Darkness.

Thayer, Max. Detective Sergeant Burke (I).

Thayer, Raymond. Mask.

Thomas, Frank. The Eye, Chuck Hardy, Dr. Hypno, Jon Linton, The Owl, Owl Girl, Researcher, Solarman.

Thomas, Lafe. Dead End Kids.

Thompson, Ben. Blue Diamond, Citizen V, Captain Dash (I), Doctor Frost, Ka-Zar, Masked Marvel (I), Rainbow Boy, Texas Kid, ZL ZR & ZY.

Thompson, Jimmy. Captain Compass, Fighting Yank (II), Parson Pete, Victory Boys.

Tirman, Irving. Mike Gibbs, Lieutenant Hercules, Rick Masters (II).

Tobin, Murray. Ace Reynolds.

Tomsey, Charles. Black Venus.

Toth, Alex. Johnny Thunder (II), Sierra Smith, Streak the Wonder Dog.

Trapani, Sal. Sea Rover.

Treadwell, William. Gabby Scoops.

Tumey, Bart. Bulldog Martin, Raja the Arabian Knight.

Turf, Jim. Winged Warriors.

Turner, Ira. Rick Masters (II).

Turner, Robert. Black Owl, Buckskin (I), Liberty Lads (I), Robinhood Jones, K the Unknown, Hack O'Hara, Raven (I), Red Riley, Rex King of the Deep, Stars and Stripes, Voodoo Man, Wildfire, X of the Phantom Fed.

Tuska, George. Black Orchid, Bold Buckeroo, Shark Brodie, Cosmic Carson, Chip Collins, Cosmo Corrigan, Kid Dixon, Enchanted Dagger, Greasemonkey Griffin, Kayo Kirby, Planet Payson, Scarlet Nemesis, Wing Turner, Zanzibar.

Tyler, Albert. Detecto, Super Spy 5Y-8R

Udall, Ted. Ghost Patrol, Sniper, Unknown (I).

Ulmer, Al. Alias X, Black Friday, Black Widow (II), Captain Aero, Deacon, Dr. Diamond, Flag-Man, Gargoyle, Hood, Mickey, Micro-Face, Pals of Freedom, Pied Piper, Rusty (I).

Verral, Charles. Fire-Man.

Vigoda, Bill. Flying Dragons.

Voight, Charles. Atomic Man, Red Blazer, Captain Red Rogue.

Volp, Frank. Nevada Jones, Loop Logan.

Walker, Al. Norge Benson.

Walters, Scotty. Strongman.

Ward, Bill. Torchy.

Ward, King. Sheriff Sal.

Warren, Alonzo. 2R.

Watanabe, Irving. Ned of the Navy.

Watt, Gordon. Punch Powers.

Webb, Robert. Captain Cutlass, Dynamo, Tiger Girl.

Weinstein, Robert. Buckskin Jim, Cap’n Erik.

Weis, Morris. 3 Vets.

Weisbecker, Clem. Commando Yank, Madelon.

Weisinger, Mort. Air Wave, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Billy Gunn, Johnny Quick, Sandy the Golden Boy, Seven Soldiers of Victory, Speedy, Stuff the Chinatown Kid, Tarantula, Vigilante.

Weld, Patrick. Larry Hunter.

Wellman, Manly Wade. Jungle King.

Wells, Larson. Great Zarro.

Wentworth, John. Johnny Thunder (I), Sargon, Whip.

Wessell, Charles. Four Musketeers.

Weston, Billy. Jim Gale.

Weston, Henry Taylor. Captain Bruce Blackburn.

Wexler, Ed. Hercules (II), Lone Eagle, Miss America (I), Zambini.

Wheeler-Nicholson, Malcolm. Monastery of the Blue God, Bruce Nelson.

Whitman, Bert. Navy Jones, Mister Ex, Mister Whiskers, Dr. Mortal, Phoenix Squadron, Strongman.

Whitman, Maurice. Alias the Dragon.

Whitney, Ogden. Rocky Ryan, Skyman, Undercover Girl.

Wiest, Bernie. Colossus AD 2640.

Wilcox, Jim. Young King Cole, Speed Rush.

Wilcox, Milt. Tex Maverick.

Willard, Rodlow. Tiger Man.

Williams, Clark. Eagle Evans, Ma Jenkins.

Williams, Witmer. Clipper Kirk, Prop Powers, Punch Powers, Suicide Smith.

Willner, Ray. Alias X, Captain Aero, Commandos of the Devil Dogs, Flag-Man, Bill Hardy, ‘Chute Harmon, Hood, Pals of Freedom, Phantom Knight, Rusty (I), Teller Twins.

Wills, William. Streak Chandler.

Wilson, George. Kay McKay, Paul Revere Jr., Sentinel, White Hunters.

Wilson, John. Kane and Abel.

Winiarski, Ed. Black Sheep Squadron, Mr. Chang, Captain Desmo, Red Logan, Tom Powers, Vagabond.

Winslow, Stockbridge. The Ferret (I).

Winter, Charles A. Black Lion, Camilla, Lt. Jim Cannon, Cub, Kangaroo Man, Kardak, Liberty Belle, Madame Strange, Nick Nelson, Red Knight, Ace Reynolds, Uno.

Winters, Pierre. Old Witch.

Wojtkowski, Charles. Challenger (I), Lightning, Tough Kid Squad.

Wolverton, Basil. Meteor Martin, Powerhouse Pepper, Rockman, Space Patrol, Spacehawk.

Wood, Bob. Boy King, Firefly, Flash Foster (I), Ghost (II), Meteor, Mark Murdock, Pioneer (I), Ben Stafford, Target, Targeteers, Bob Taylor, Kayo Ward.

Wood, Dick. Airboy, Bombshell, Jinx, Little Dynamite (II), Nightro, Target, Targeteers, Whirlwind, Zaro, 13.

Woolfolk, Bill. Freddy Firefly, Freddy the Firefly, Golden Girl (II), Hector the Inspector, Mad Hatter, Miss Espionage, Moon Girl.

Yager, Rick. Buzz Balmer.

Zavatini, Cesare. Rebo.

Zerner, Charles. Vic Jordan.

Zere, Al. Tom Morgan.

Zolnerowich, Dan. Captain Wings, Hercules (III), Iron Lady, Merlin, Super-American.

Zuraw, Nick. Steve Stacey.


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